Son Xoriguer

  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Access disabled people
  • Water sports area
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Litter bin
  • Lounger/hammock service

Platja de Son Xoriguer is 12km from Ciutadella, between the sa Guarda and Titina points, it has and urbanization of the same name and is very close to the resort of Cala en Bosc. Both these areas contain more than half of the hotels on the entire island, which makes Ciutadella an important commercial city. This beach is of average size with a mixture of sand and rock. It faces south/south-west/west and has light winds and calm water with a gentle drop. There are some rocks close to the shore and the sea bed is of sand and seaweed. It is very popular with locals and tourists, especially families. Boaters should be aware of a reef called Cap de Porc close to the entrance. To the south-west lies Cap d’Artrutx, the closest point to Mallorca and where there is a lighthouse which stands 45m above sea-level with a range of 19 nautical miles.

Access by road is easy and well marked. There is free parking and a bus-service in the summer.

Please obey all safety instructions and keep an eye on the flags. Red means danger and no entering the water. Yellow means that you can swim but with caution. Green means that it is safe to swim. Orange means that there is normally a lifeguard but that he is not present. Enjoy, but it is important that you use your common sense at all times and do not take unnecessary risks. Domestic pets and animals are not allowed on the beach.