Cala Mitjana

Cala Mitjana is 7km from Ferreries (the highest town in Menorca), between the headlands of Penyal Alt de s’Anglès and es Pont de n’Aleix, and close to the urbanization of Cala Santa Galdana. It is part of the Natural Area of Special Interest which extends to Platja de Binigaus. This lovely coastline shelters peregrine falcons, different types of bats, frogs, toads and shrews. The entrance to the bay is 192m wide and there is a second smaller beach to the west called the more diminutive Cala Mitjaneta.

Both beaches are very beautiful and unspoiled, with fine white sand and crystal-clear water. They are flanked by low cliffs and pine-trees, and are popular with both locals and tourists. The bay faces south-west and is suitable for mooring boats in the centre, where the base is sandy and 4m in depth. Mitjaneta is more sheltered.

Access by road is easy and well marked. At present the parking is free. You can also walk from Cala Galdana. Take the Camí de Cavalls path (1,5km and approx 25 minutes).