Cala en Bosch

  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Water sports area
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Litter bin
  • Lounger/hammock service

Cala’n Bosch or Cala en Bosch is12 km from Ciutadella, between the marina of Cala en Bosch and the sa Guarda point, and close to the resorts Cap d’Artrutx and Son Xoriguer. This is the first southern beach coming from the west and is very close to the lighthouse Cap d’Artrutx (on clear days you can see the Mallorcan coast from here). The beach has fine white sand and a rocky backdrop. It is a busy tourist resort and one of the largest close to Ciutadella. The winds are light from the east/south-east/south/south-west, with calm water and a gentle drop. This is a safe area to moor boats in, but there is a no-go area marked with buoys which is where the electricity supply is channeled underwater between Menorca and Mallorca. On the right of the bay a channel leads into a lagoon which is now the marina. Large boats will not be able to enter, as they will be limited by the height of a bridge.

Access by road is easy and well marked. There is free parking and a bus service from Ciutadella.

Please obey all safety instructions and keep an eye on the flags. Red means danger and no entering the water. Yellow means that you can swim but with caution. Green means that it is safe to swim. Orange means that there is normally a lifeguard but that he is not present. Enjoy, but it is important that you use your common sense at all times and do not take unnecessary risks. Domestic pets and animals are not allowed on the beach.