Cala Alcaufar

Cala Alcaufar or Cala Alcalfar is 5 km from Sant Lluís, between Punta Prima and the des Rafalet point, with a charming village of the same name. The whitewashed houses are strung along the rocks on the left side of a narrow inlet and reach the coastline. To the right is a rugged promontory dotted with shrubs. The watchtower Torre d’Alcafar and the islet s’Illot des Torn are key features too. The beach is small and sandy and faces south-east, it slopes gently into clear water with a bed of sand and weed. It is popular with both locals and tourists. There can be currents from the east. By the beach there is jetty for small boats. In the entrance by the Cova d’en Putó there is a freshwater spring which makes the water cooler than other areas of the island.

Access by road is easy and well signposted. There is free parking.