Son Bou

  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Access disabled people
  • Water sports area
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Litter bin
  • Blue flag
  • Lounger/hammock service

Son Bou or Platges de Son Bou is 8km from Alaior, between Punta Rodona (where the defence tower Torre Esfondrada from the XIX lies) and Cap de ses Penyes (beside a paleo-christian basilica), and by the urbanizations Son Bou, Sant Jaume de la Mediterrània and Torre Solí Nou. The beach is set on a vast open bay, and is the longest in Menorca at 2.4 km. It has fine white sand and crystal-clear water with a gentle incline. It is a very popular beach with both locals and tourists. It also has the largest dune system and the second-largest marsh area after s’Albufera des Grau, and both form part of the Natural Area of Special Interest. This is a good area to moor boats so long as the weather is calm and there aren’t any strong winds from the north or north-east. There are some rocks in the centre of the bay and you should keep clear of the shore. There is a rocky outcrop offshore called Escull de sa Galera which can be circumnavegated in a large boat.

Access by road is easy and well marked. There is free parking and a bus-service in the summer.

Please obey all safety instructions and keep an eye on the flags. Red means danger and no entering the water. Yellow means that you can swim but with caution. Green means that it is safe to swim. Orange means that there is normally a lifeguard but that he is not present. Enjoy, but it is important that you use your common sense at all times and do not take unnecessary risks. Domestic pets and animals are not allowed on the beach.