Cala Degollador

  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Litter bin

Cala des Degollador or sa Platja Gran is part of the coastline within the city of Ciutadella, 10 minutes walk away from the main square where the Ajuntament (Town Hall) is, between the port (the second largest in Menorca after Mahón) and Punta des Gegant. The impressive Castell de Sant Nicolau and the urbanization of Son Oleo are on the horizon. This inlet is about ½ kim long with a small sandy beach and coastal road above it. It faces south-west/west and has light breezes and calm water with a gentle incline. It is popular with local families and tourists. This is a suitable bay for boats to moor in. The entrance is between 50 and 80 meters with a sandy bottom. It is about 7 meters deep but gets shallower close to the shore. The is a small rocky islet in the centre (Illot de sa Galera, 30 m long and 10m wide). On the right there is another tiny beach known as sa Platja Petita.

Access by road is easy and well marked. There is plenty of parking, but you can also take a pleasant walk to it from the Plaza de Europa in the city.