Cala Galdana

  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Access disabled people
  • Water sports area
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Litter bin
  • Picnic area
  • Blue flag
  • Lounger/hammock service

Cala Galdana, Cala Santa Galdana or Cala Santagaldana is 7km from Ferreries, between the headlands of Morro de Ponent y Penyal Vermell, with a large urbanization of the same name and flanked by the cliffs des Riu and de sa Punta (with excellent panoramic views). Its name derives from the Arabic Guad-al Ana.

This beach is the most famous one in Menorca, considered to be very beautiful with a resort that is set in stunning and unspoilt countryside.

The sea merges with the outlets of two streams, Algendar y Algendaret, and the marshland at the back has a great variety of birds and fauna such as the peregrine falcon, frogs, toads, shrews and bats. There is also a small marina and jetty.

This is a huge bay with high cliffs dotted with pines and holiday complexes along with magnificent private houses. The beach is sandy with a gentle incline and the waters are crystal-clear. This a good bay to moor boats and overnight in. The entrance is wide and and in a noth-east/south-east direction. The depth is about 5m with a bed of sand and seaweed in the north-east corner. The best area to moor in is the south-east.

Access by road is easy and well marked. Parking is free.

Environmental Certificate 14001