Cala Presili

  • Public transport

Platja de Capifort or Cala Presili is 17 km from Mahón between the points of Presili and Cap de Favàritx or Punta de Capifort, and where the Nature Area Natural of Special Interest of s’Albufera des Grau natural park ends (70 acres of protected land with a lake of 2 km long and 1.5 m deep, and a huge variety of flora and fauna).

The beach is in a wide open bay which incorporates some smaller coves such as s’Arenal de Morella. There are small rock promontories leading down from rugged and bare cliffs.

It is safe to anchor a boat, but be conscious of wind and sunken rocks in the centre of the bay and quite close to the shore. It lies between two capes, Mossèn Vives and Favàritx and is exposed to the east wind but partially sheltered by the high cliffs of Punta de Capifort 0.9 miles to the east.

Access by road is easy and well signposted. Cars must be parked close to the road and visitors walk to the beach through s’Albufera des Grau land.