Cales Piques

  • Public transport
  • Bar / Restaurant
  • Litter bin

Cales Piques or Calespiques is 7 km from Ciutadella, between the Punta des Canal and Cap de Banyos, and closet o the urbanization Los Delfines and other resorts such as Cala en Brut and Cala en Forcat. These beaches are the last of the northern beaches to the east of Menorca.

There are actually two beaches but only one is suitable for swimming. It is a tiny sandy beach with sparse vegetation and faces north-west. Normally the breeze is light and the water calm with a gentle drop. It is never that busy as it is a long thin bay and quite exposed. It is not advisable to moor small boats in this area as a lot of fishermen use it.

Access by road is easy and well signposted. There is free parking close by. Cales Piques can also be reached by bus.

Please obey all safety instructions and keep an eye on the flags. Red means danger and no entering the water. Yellow means that you can swim but with caution. Green means that it is safe to swim. Orange means that there is normally a lifeguard but that he is not present. Enjoy, but it is important that you use your common sense at all times and do not take unnecessary risks. Domestic pets and animals are not allowed on the beach.