Sa Mesquida

  • Public transport
  • Lifeguard

Cala Mesquida beach is close to the village of the same name, 6,5 km from Mahón. There is another beach on the other side of sa Torre point called Arenal de sa Mesquida which is used more by the locals. The wide bay lies between the sa Creueta and es Pas Gros (45 meters above sea-level) points, and faces the rocky reefs called Illots d’en Mesquda. Arenal de sa Mesquida is sandy and faces south-east with tamarisks and other vegetation on the dunes at the back. The water is cristal-clear with a rocky base. It is very popular with divers, especially the islets to the west of the bay. The area between sa Mesquida and s’Esperó ranges in depth from 21 to 43 meters.

It is not advisable to moor boats in this bay because of the dangerous submerged rocks such as those to the east near the Punta de sa Creueta, and there is also a spit. These areas can only be circumnavigated in a small boat. In 1781 the Spanish troops disembarked on Mesquida to conquer Menorca. The attempt failed and the island remained in British hands, who subsequently built the defence-tower known as Punta de sa Torre. They eventually built 11 watchtowers all over the island between 1798 and 1802.