Punta Prima

  • Public transport
  • Access disabled people
  • Water sports area
  • Showers

Platja de Punta Prima is 6km from Sant Lluís (the only town founded by the French in the XVIII century), between the points of des Marbres and Prima, where there is a resort of the same name and another close by called Torre de Son Ganxo. From the shore you can see the islet s’Illot des Cagaire and the island s’Illa de l’Aire. This is a beautiful wide sandy beach with low rocks and many waterfront houses on each side. The sea-bottom is sandy with some seaweed and vegetation by the rocks. It faces south-east/south and has light winds. The water is a stunning turquoise with a gentle incline. It is very popular with locals and tourists.

It is not advisable to moor boats here as the bay is both rocky and has strong currents. On the north-east side the rocks are low-lying and difficult to spot – both the names Punta Prima and Cap de l’Engany/Enganyó (meaning deceiving) allude to this. Boaters are advised to moor in the nearby Cala d’Alcafar.