
  • Public transport
  • Toilet
  • Lifeguard
  • Access disabled people
  • Water sports area
  • Showers
  • Litter bin
  • Lounger/hammock service

Platja de Santandria or Cala Santandria is 4km from Ciutadella, between Caleta d’en Gorries and Cala Blanca, and has an urbanization of the same name. There are some interesting prehistoric caves nearby. Legend has it that the name comes from a christian captive of the Moors. Mortally wounded after baptizing the daughter of a Moorish captain, he named the area Sancte Andrea. The bay (2 hectometers wide at the entrance and 7 long, 3.5 nautical miles from Cap d’Artrutx) is relatively large and very popular with both locals and tourists. The sandy beach faces west/south-west with light winds, lovely clear water and a gentle incline. Boats of most sizes can moor here. There are some currents from the west but generally it is sheltered and has a sandy bottom with no rocks so that boats can even moor very close to the shore. The coastline here is quite irregular, and there is a large variety of marine life around the different points which means that it is a very popular with fishermen.

Access by road is easy and well marked. There is free parking and also a bus service from Ciutadella.

Please obey all safety instructions and keep an eye on the flags. Red means danger and no entering the water. Yellow means that you can swim but with caution. Green means that it is safe to swim. Orange means that there is normally a lifeguard but that he is not present. Enjoy, but it is important that you use your common sense at all times and do not take unnecessary risks. Domestic pets and animals are not allowed on the beach.

Environmental Certificate 14001